We're taking extra measures to ensure your children are safe. Learn More
Class Offerings 2025-2026
All classes are subject to change due to enrollment.
~ M/W/F and T/Th Two year olds
~ M/W/F and M-Th Three year olds
~M-F and M-Th Four year olds
*All 3 and 4 year olds must be potty trained*
The fee for registration is $150 per child and it is non-refundable upon
placement in a class.
Tuition for 2025-2026:
$275/month ~ 2 day a week classes
$315/month ~ 3 day a week classes
$335/month ~ 4 day a week classes
$350/month ~ 5 day a week classes
Lunch Bunch
Optional afterschool program offered Monday through Thursday from 12-1PM
for potty trained children. Children should bring a lunch to have with friends
and enjoy playground time.
$20/month for each day your child attends
Registration for 2025-2026
Registration for currently enrolled families and church members opens on
January 27, 2025
Registration opens to the public on February 3, 2025
Tours are available Tuesday and Wednesday between 10am and 11am, by
appointment only.
For more information and to request registration information or schedule a
tour, please contact Beth Meador, Director, 803-548-6557 or sjumcweeschool@gmail.com