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Our Mission
St. John's UMC W.E.E. School will provide a nurturing Christian environment in order to provide an atmosphere in which children can learn through play. Our goal is for each child to grow his/her fullest potential by laying a solid foundation that will foster a lifelong love of learning, respect for oneself and others and the knowledge that he/ she is valuable child of God.

Curriculum Statement
St. John's W.E.E. School uses a theme based curriculum. We emphasize Christianity through Bible stories and weekly Chapel time. We will celebrate the holidays that are highlighted in that month as well as other events that also might occur.
Hours of Operation
2 year olds: MWF or T/Th
3 year olds: Monday - Thursday, MWF or T/Th
4 year olds: Monday - Friday or Monday - Thursday
Drop off: 9:00 AM- 9:10 AM
Pick up: 12:00 PM - 12:10 PM
Lunch Bunch: 12:00-1:00PM
**All children must be program age by 9/1/23 and 3 and 4 year olds must be potty trained**

Lunch Bunch
We offer Lunch Bunch as an extended day for children in the 3 or 4 year old classes starting in September. Lunch Bunch will be offered to our 2 year old, potty trained friends beginning November 1st. For an additional fee, children can stay until 1:00 PM on Monday , Tuesday, Wednesday and/ or Thursday. The cost for Lunch Bunch is $20 for each day per month enrolled regardless of the number of days each month and is due on the 15th of the month prior with tuition. (September Lunch Bunch fee is due on August 15th)
Please remember NO PEANUTS/ TREE NUTS OR PEANUT/ TREE NUT PRODUCTS in lunches. If you send Sunflower Butter or similar product, please put a note in your child's lunchbox so our lunch bunch teachers are aware. All children MUST be potty trained to attend Lunch Bunch. There will not be refunds or make ups for days missed.